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【新华社】全球连线| 支教志愿者为中国西部学生带来“别样体育课”
文章来源:   作者:  发布时间:2023-06-08



A host of emerging sports events, brought to Suide County in northwest China by volunteer teachers, has heightened children's interest in physical education courses.

This spring, the General Administration of Sport of China assigned approximately 750 college students to initiate voluntary physical education teaching services in over 300 schools across 50 counties and districts in China's central and western regions. Among these volunteers, 50 volunteer teachers from four universities in Shaanxi Province have been teaching in Suide for three weeks.

These volunteers have introduced a variety of sports courses and training to students in 20 kindergartens, schools, and sports training centers throughout Suide. Their efforts have not only enhanced the skills of local physical education teachers but also provided the volunteers with valuable experience.

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